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Back to Exercise

Last night I went to Zumba after being off for nearly two weeks from being sick. I didn't even attempt approaching the front row. Instead I found a nice spot in the third row.

It was great to see all my friends' smiling faces and get caught up while waiting for class to start. Monday night is Geraldine's class. She has taken over for Trish who used to teach Monday night. I've only been to a handful of Geraldine's classes but she has a great energy and has built quite a following at the Y (she also teaches a Friday morning class and is also taking over the Saturday class).

She started with a warm up that I remembered. The funny thing is I felt really strange as class started. I felt like it was my first class. As I was shaking my hips and shoulders I was thinking "really, is this what I'm doing with a roomful of strangers?" I'm sure that's what most people feel the first time they go to Zumba.

I moved left when I should have moved right. I missed the cue to do single, single, double and did single, single, single. I felt awkward and out of breathe and disappointed that I felt those things. But it didn't last too long and I did eventually get my groove back. By the end of class I was shaking it with the best of them. Geraldine does a lot of "shaking it" with her routines which the ladies love :)

I got a great workout in and was glad to finally be back. On my way out of class my friend Heather mentioned she had signed up for the Y's Zero Gain Challenge before class. I decided to go ahead and get signed up too. I paid $10 and had the personal trainer record my weight. If I don't gain any weight by the time I weigh-in again after Christmas I will get a $15 credit to a Y program of my choice. It's just a little extra motivation to stay on plan over Christmas.
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