01 02 03 I'm My Favorite: Wordless Wednesday 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Wordless Wednesday

I did it! All the laundry is finished. Yes, this is my laundry room in the basement. Be jealous. Best part is I have a laundry shoot.

This little guy rode home with me tonight. I think he was a grasshopper. I almost lost him a couple of times but he hung on strong. He's my favorite.

One of my staff is leaving us and moving to Colorado. Today was the last day I would see him so I picked up some Blondie's Cookies for the staff as a good luck treat. These are the best cookies I've ever had. We have them a lot in my office. I didn't have any today. I was more than ok with that decision.

The ones with icing and sprinkles were always my favorite. I would eat one with the staff, sneak one after the party and grab one (ok, two) for the drive home. I looked it up today. They are 7 points each (300 calories).
I retired my trusty 1.5 pound hand weights last night. They served me well, but I was ready for a step up and besides these things smell so bad I couldn't stand them anymore.
So I graduated to these 2 pound bad boys. I made it through the whole Zumba class with them on last night - although the backs of my hands are bruised - I went through that when I started wearing the pink ones too. I felt like a rock star with them on.

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